Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Generel Knowledge

Signs of Qiyamah:
Appearance of Imam Mahdi
Appearance of Dajjal
Descendants of Hazrat Isa (A.S)
Appearance of Yajooj n Majooj
The rising of the sun 4m the west-the doors of forgiveness will now b closed
The Dab'bat al-Ard will emerge 4m d ground n will mark al d true Muslims.
40 days of fog that will kill al d true believers so that they do not have 2 experience d other signs
A huge fire that will cause destruction.
The writing in the Quran will vanish. The trumpet will b blown d 1st time n al d animals n kafirs that r left will die n al mountains n buildings will crumble
The 2nd time d trumpet will b blown al of Allah's creation will resurrect n meet on d plains of Arafat for their judgment
The sun will lower itself with the earth.
Prophet Muhammad S.A.W said, '' Who ever delivers this news to someone else, I will on the day of judgment make for him a place in Jannat.'

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